Color Design & Technology A Multidisciplinary Approach to Colour Part 1


Alice Plutino (ed)
Università degli Studi di Milano
Gabriele Simone (ed)
Università degli Studi di Milano
Alessandro Rizzi (ed)
Università degli Studi di Milano


Master, Color, Design, Technology


Color is a fascinating theme that involves many disciplines like physics, chemistry, optics, psychology, anthropology and sociology, together with colorimetry, computer science, design and many others. Color is related with the visual sensation and perception and has an impact on the cognitive and emotional nature of every human being. We are surrounded by colors, at home, in the cities, at the supermarkets. Despite this, the education of professionals in this field, remains very complex but necessary task.

Since 2014, Associazione Italiana Colore - Gruppo del Colore, the Italian Color Association with Poli.DESIGN (Politecnico di Milano) and Università degli Studi di Milano, have cooperated to held (in English) the initial four editions of the Master in Color Design and Technology.

As far as we know, nowadays, this Master is the only international, multidisciplinary, theoretical and practical course aiming at training color specialists and technicians, providing them skills for acquisition, measurement, and management of color in many application areas. Main strength of the Master is its strong correlation between theoretical lectures and practical lessons, which allow a rapid learning and the development of professional skills.

So far, the Master has been attended by many students from all over the world like e.g., Australia, Austria, Brazil, Colombia, Finland, India, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Spain, Portugal, Russia and many others. The multicultural environment in which the students are involved enriches them and allowed the development of a positive discussion about color culture, naming and uses across different nations.

The main purpose of this book is to present the major part of teachers and subjects of the Master, as well as to foster the discussion about the many different possible ways of teaching and educating on the complex topic of color.

This book is divided in three Volumes, each one of them focused on specific issues about color theories, management, applications and design. In this book, as in the Master, color will not be described as simple attribute of an object, but as technical means of expression, at the base of perception and interaction with reality.


  • Chapter 1 Introduction to Standard Colorimetry
    Gabriele Simone, Mauro Fiorentini
  • Chapter 2 Introduction to Digital Colour
    Celeste Eugenia Lombardi
  • Chapter 3 Measuring colour in the artistic heritage field
    Sergio Omarini
  • Chapter 4 Methods and techniques for Color film restoration
    Alice Plutino, Serena  Bellotti
  • Chapter 5 A very brief history of colour photography
    Giovanni Vanoglio
  • Chapter 6 Lighting Design – color applied
    Osvaldo Perrenoud

Author Biographies

Alice Plutino, Università degli Studi di Milano

Post-Doc researcher in Computer Science at Università degli Studi di Milano, obteined the PhD in 2021 with a Thesis entitled “Novel Approaches in Color Assessment: from point-wise colorimetry to film restoration”. Her research interests are: Colorimetry, Image Processing, Image Enhancement and Image Quality. She wrote a book about film restoration and published several works of national and international relevance.

Gabriele Simone, Università degli Studi di Milano

He received his BIT in 2005 and his MSIT in 2007 both at University of Milan-Department of Computer Science, Italy. He accomplished a PhD in Color Imaging in 2016 at University of Oslo- Department of Informatics, Norway in collaboration with the Norwegian Colour and Visual Computing Laboratory at NTNU i Gjøvik, Norway. His main research interests are HDR Imaging, Image Quality, Image
Enhancement, Color Perception and Colorimetry. He is adjunct Professor at Master in Digital Humanities and collaborator with the Multimedia Interaction Perception and Social Lab at University of
Milano. Today he is working as Software Engineer at Elica-ASM.

Mauro Fiorentini, Università degli Studi di Milano

Graduated in Physical Sciences at the University of Milan in 1979. Since then he worked on software development, mainly in basic software tools, like compilers and interpreters, mathematical software and embedded systems. In 1986 he wrote a book on the C programming language and in the '90s he worked on some Esprit project, being also the director of OMI/CORE. His interests include mathematics, chess and bridge. Today he is working as R&D director at STE industries.

Celeste Eugenia Lombardi, Photographer
Tutor at Polidesign in Milan in the Master in Colour Design and Technology, is a photographer and videographer specialised in colour as a storytelling element in audiovisual products. Since 2019, she has been collaborating with Prof. Rizzi, giving lectures for the Multimedia Project course at Università Statale di Milano, Computer Science Department.
Sergio Omarini, National Institute of Optics- CNR - Italy
Physicist, manager of the ENEA “Safeguard of artistic Heritage Branch” for many years and chief of the E.U. project “Archaeological covering systems”, has been Professor of “Physics for the artistic heritage” at Suor Orsola University in Napoli, of “Colorimetric Technologies” at the University of Viterbo and associated researcher at the National Institute of Optics.
Serena  Bellotti, Università degli Studi di Udine
PhD student in History of art, cinema, audiovisual media and music at the Università di Udine. Her research interests are preservation and restoration of film.
Giovanni Vanoglio, Photographer
Professional photographer, active in social, music and theatre photography. After graduating in Urban Planning at IUAV from the University of Venice, he has been collaborating with companies and

national magazines. He specialises in contemporary landscape, a field of photography he has been developing in ongoing personal projects.

Osvaldo Perrenoud, Lighting Designer
Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. He received the Master Degree in Color Design & Technology from Politecnico di Milano, Italy, in 2018. Previously he did a Master in Methodology of University Education at

Instituto Porto Alegre (IPA), Brasil in 1986 and a Master in Lighting and Interior Design at Instituto de Pós Graduação (IPOG), Brasil in 2010. He is a COLOR AND LIGHTING DESIGNER, working in this area since 1979; he works as a DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY at the company Desenhos de Luz located in Brasil.
Mr. Perrenoud currently lives in Genova, Italy, is an external researcher at MIPS (Department of Computer Science) at Università Degli Studi di Milano and teaches as a guest professor at Politecnico di Milano and Fondazione Luigi Clerici, both in Milan, Italy.

Color Design & Technology A Multidisciplinary Approach to Colour Part 1



10 May 2022


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ISBN-13 (15)
