Colour Photography and Film: Sharing knowledge of analysis, preservation, and conservation of analogue and digital materials 2022
Colour Photography, Colour Film, Historical and current technologies, Preservation issues and sustainability, Conservation treatments, Digitization, Digital recovery of photographic objects, Digital recovery of film materialsSynopsis
The Gruppo del Colore - Associazione Italiana Colore is a scientific and cultural non-profit organization with a multidisciplinary approach. It aims to promote the science and culture of Colour and Light, to spread scientific, technological, cultural and applicative knowledge about the cited disciplines, and to support matters of common interest between members in national and international contexts. In 2020, the Association added another instrument of cultural dissemination in the form of a diamond open-access book series, The Research Culture And Science Book series (RCASB), which is freely available to everyone.
RCASB is multidisciplinary, with its focus and scope on scientific books that involve various specific fields addressing the topic of colour. The book series aims to encourage scientists, scholars, researchers and professionals to publish their experimental results and theoretical work comprehensively, thus providing a forum for the exchange and sharing of scientific knowledge.
The present volume contains the proceedings of the 2022 international conference on “Colour Photography and Film: analysis, preservation, and conservation of analogue and digital materials”.
The goal of the conference was to promote cooperation among colleagues with different professional training and cultural backgrounds. This was largely achieved given the speakers and the excellent quality of their presentations. There were many interesting projects discussed and the hope is that the next jointly organized conferences can attract an even wider audience. In the future, the conferences could include photo workshops and presentations by artists as well as other new additions in order to have a vaster range of professionals sharing their experiences related to the field of Colour Photography and Film.